Dental Hygene

The Best Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Brands

Hydroxyapatite seems to be all the rage lately, but how do you know which toothpaste brands have hydroxyapatite, which are best, and is it even

Dental Hygene

Can You Use Listerine For A Tooth Infection?

When it comes to dental health, tooth infections can be quite a pain – literally! Many of us have experienced that uncomfortable throbbing sensation that

Dental Hygene

Baking Soda Toothpaste: Does it really work?

Baking soda toothpaste has gained popularity as a natural alternative for maintaining good oral hygiene. With its gentle abrasive properties and alkaline nature, it is

Dental Hygene

Are Teeth Bones? What You Need To Know

Are teeth bones? This seemingly simple question has long been a source of confusion for many. At first glance, teeth and bones may seem quite