How Long Does A Root Canal Take? Everything You Need To Know

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A root canal procedure is a standard dental treatment that can be performed on any of your teeth. This is one of the most common dental procedures, and it is used to treat tooth pain, infection, or decay. It is important to note that the root canal procedure is considered one of the most effective ways to save a tooth that is infected or damaged. The process involves removing all the pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth), disinfecting it, and filling it with an inert material to seal it from future decay or infection. This article will give a guide into the root canal.


How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

The length of time it takes to perform a root canal depends on several factors, including:


The number of root canals performed by the dentist.

Dentists with more experience are likely to take less time to complete the procedure than those with less experience.


The extent of the damage in your tooth.

Teeth that have been damaged for a long time may require more time for treatment than those that have been injured for a short period.


The type of anesthesia used during the procedure.

Local anesthesia is often used when performing a root canal, but general anesthesia may be necessary for some instances, such as extensive decay or infection in the tooth. In such cases, it might take longer to recover from the effects of general anesthesia than from local anesthesia alone.


Why Do Root Canals Take 2 Visits?

There are several reasons why a root canal can take two visits. The first visit is always the most extensive and requires creating an opening into the tooth and removing all diseased tissue. Then, the dentist will fill the space with a temporary filling to protect it from bacteria and seal it with a temporary crown or another dental restoration device.

At your next appointment, the dentist will remove your temporary filling and clean any remaining infection or debris inside your tooth. Once this has been done, they will place a permanent filling into your tooth to prevent it from re-infecting itself. The final step is to establish a permanent crown on top of your tooth to ensure it remains solid and healthy for years to come.


How Long Is Recovery From Root Canal?

Recovery time for a root canal varies depending on the type of procedure being done and the severity of your particular case. The average recovery time is five to seven days, depending on how much swelling and pain you experience and how well you follow your dentist’s instructions.

If you have a root canal, you may experience mild to moderate pain or discomfort in the first 24 hours after the procedure. This can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol).

You must take these medications as directed by your doctor or dentist. Please do not stop taking them without discussing them first with your physician. You will most likely need to take antibiotics for about one week following treatment.


Are You Okay to Drive After a Root Canal?

If you’ve had a root canal, you may wonder what you can and can’t do once the procedure is complete. While it’s true that having a root canal done can be painful, there are many things you can do to make the recovery process more manageable. One of these is driving.

You should be able to drive after having a root canal as long as your pain or anesthesia does not prevent you from doing so. In addition, if any swelling or bruising occurs after your treatment, wait 24 hours before attempting to drive again.

While some people may feel dizzy or nauseous after their root canal, this is usually temporary and should go away within an hour or two of leaving the office. If these symptoms linger longer than expected, call your dentist immediately so they can evaluate whether or not it’s safe for you to be behind the wheel at that time.


Can I Go to Work After a Root Canal?

If you are suffering from tooth pain, you may want to know if you can go to work after a root canal. The short answer is yes! You can return to work after a root canal as long as you feel well enough.

A root canal is a procedure in which the damaged nerve and pulp of your tooth are removed, and the space is cleaned and filled with a filling or crown. This treatment allows the tooth to remain in your mouth and be used for chewing, biting, and other functions.

After receiving a root canal, patients need to follow their dentist’s instructions carefully to heal properly without complications such as infection. If you have any questions about whether you should return to work after receiving this treatment, please ask your dentist before returning to work so that they can help guide you through this process.

If there is no pain or discomfort after the procedure and no swelling or redness around the area where the tooth was treated, it’s okay for patients to return home and rest until they feel well enough to return to work.


What Should I Avoid After a Root Canal?

Root canals are a standard treatment for damaged or infected teeth. They’re done to prevent abscesses or other infections from spreading through the body. You may need to avoid certain foods and activities after your root canal. This is because they could cause discomfort or further damage to your tooth. Here are some things that you should avoid:



Sugar can cause the bacteria in your mouth to grow more quickly. Avoid sugary foods and beverages, including candy, soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks. If you need to consume sugar, use it sparingly and brush or floss right after eating.


Cigarettes and Alcohol

Smoking or drinking alcohol can also irritate your mouth and encourage bacteria growth. To decrease your risk of infection, avoid smoking and drinking for several weeks after your root canal treatment. Smoking and alcohol also reduce your chances of healing well and requiring more post-operative procedures or pain medication. 


Hard Foods

Eat soft foods for at least three days after treating your tooth with a root canal. Hard foods can irritate sensitive areas inside your mouth that have been treated during the procedure. After three days, gradually introduce more complex foods into your diet until you usually eat again without discomfort.


Avoid Cold Foods and Drinks

Cold foods and drinks are hard on your teeth after a root canal treatment because they can cause cracking. Avoid cold foods and beverages for 24 hours after your treatment if possible. If you must consume them, bite down gently to prevent pressure on the tooth.


Hot or Spicy Foods That Burn Your Mouth

After your root canal treatment, you may find that hot or spicy foods hurt more than usual. Solid flavors are more likely to irritate your mouth after the procedure. It’s best to avoid these types of foods while your mouth heals.


Is Getting a Root Canal Painful?

Many people are afraid to get a root canal because they think it will be painful. The procedure is equal to getting a filling, where it may be slightly uncomfortable, but most  patients will feel no pain while the dentist works on their teeth.

Getting a root canal is relatively minor, meaning it shouldn’t cause pain. However, there are some potential symptoms associated with the process:

Swelling. Your gums may swell after the procedure and for a few days afterward. This swelling is usually minimal and should subside within 24 hours.

Bleeding. Some bleeding may occur during your root canal treatment, but this should not be excessive. If you notice more than a drop or two of blood in the sink after treatment, this is cause for concern and requires immediate medical attention.

Pain or discomfort while eating or drinking cold foods and beverages can be expected after getting a root canal. Still, it should go away within several days to weeks, depending on how much discomfort you experience.

If you have concerns about your comfort level during your root canal appointment, speak up! Your dentist will work with you to ensure you’re comfortable while undergoing treatment.

Root canal treatment can save your natural teeth from being extracted. If you have a tooth damaged beyond repair by decay or an infection, it’s best to have it pulled rather than risk losing the entire jawbone because of an abscessed tooth. However, if you take care of your teeth properly, root canal therapy may not be necessary for years – even decades – after your initial treatment!


How Should I Prepare for Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is one of the most common dental procedures. It involves removing bacteria and decayed tissue from the interior of a tooth, cleaning out the canals, and filling them with a sealant. If you are going to have this procedure, here are some tips on how you should prepare for root canal treatment:


Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is an excellent way to keep your mouth clean and healthy. This will help prevent cavities from forming in your teeth. You should also floss your teeth regularly to remove food particles between the teeth and gum lines, which might cause inflammation or infection if left untreated.


Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water can help keep your mouth healthy by reducing dryness, making it more susceptible to gum disease and infections like cold or canker sores. Drinking enough water also helps control bad breath at bay by washing away food particles that could be causing bad breath after meals.


Don’t Bite on Something Hard

Bite on something hard like ice or candy. If you bite on something hard and it breaks off, it can lodge between your teeth or under your gum line and cause an infection that leads to pulpitis (inflammation of the pulp). While this is a rare occurrence, it is essential to understand why it happens so you can avoid doing it yourself.


Wrapping Up

Root canal treatment is the most common dental procedure, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. Commonly known as a “root canal,” it’s a treatment for infection and decay of the tooth’s soft tissues. The root canals are located inside the roots of the teeth where the nerves live. The pulp of the tooth is in the center of the tooth, which continues down into the roots, which create the canals. . They are made up of tiny passageways that carry blood vessels and nerves, which help keep your teeth healthy.

If you have an infected tooth, a dentist will remove the bacteria and decayed tissue, clean out any remaining debris and fill it with a sealant. The goal is to save your natural tooth by removing all traces of bacteria from inside its center. To prepare for root canal treatment, visit your family doctor or dentist first to ensure you’re healthy enough for the procedure. You may need an x-ray or other tests before the process begins.


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Editorial Director

Marcus Ramsey has been a professional writer for over seven years. He has talked about and produced content for industries like Dentistry, Healthcare, and more.

Author and Medical Reviewer

Erica Anand is a certified dental expert. She holds a BA in Chemistry and a Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Stony Brook University. After completing a two-year pediatric dentistry program, she now runs a private practice focusing on preventive dentistry and is a member of the American Association of Dental Consultants.

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